Our journey to net zero

Environmentally responsible and committed to helping shape a better environment for present and future generations.

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Our journey to net zero

Environmentally responsible and committed to helping shape a better environment for present and future generations.

As a responsible business operating in the built environment, Alan Wood & Partners is acutely aware of the environmental challenges facing the planet and the need to minimise the impact of these.

That’s why we are committed to decarbonising the way we operate and achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

As part of our Sustainability and Social Value Policy, we are also committed to working with clients to ensure all designs promote sustainable and best practice engineering designs to minimise the environmental impact of the developments we are involved in. Specifically, this relates to:

  • Developing more energy and water efficient buildings
  • Reducing climate impacts
  • Improving resource efficiency
  • Reducing waste
  • Reducing air pollution
  • Promoting sustainable and ethical procurement

By working to achieve these objectives, our aim is to reach net zero significantly ahead of the UK Government’s 2050 goal.