Privacy policy

We don’t share your information with any third parties.

If you make an enquiry through our website (by filling in a form or emailing us directly), we will store your enquiry on our internal server to allow us to respond to your enquiry as effectively as possible. If you consent to us contacting you via email, post or telephone/SMS, we will hold your contact information in our email marketing platform (if email contact consent was given).

If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, and don’t want us to contact you in the future, that’s no problem. Simply call, email or write to us, and we will ensure you are removed from our contact databases. If you wish to see a copy of the information we hold on you/your organisation, please contact our DPO (Data Protection Officer).

Our Data Protection Officer is:

Alison Ringrose,
Alan Wood & Partners
341 Beverley Road,

Please address any data protection queries for Alison Ringrose’s attention, at the address above.