New EMAT Centre, Boston College, Boston
New EMAT Centre, Boston College, Boston
Design to foster the next generation.
After the quality of teaching professional, perhaps the biggest single influence on young people’s ability to learn is their environment. That’s why we owe it to the next generation to our best when designing and developing educational facilities.
This is a value we have always strived to live up to. Alan Wood & Partners has an enviable track record of delivering some of the best facilities for schools, higher education establishments, and universities in the UK.
We have significant experienced of government procurement and funding strategies, including BSF, EFA and PSBP, and have worked directly (frameworks) for education establishments on primary, secondary, academy, free and private schools, HE colleges and universities.
Our work includes the design of permanent and temporary facilities and the extension, modification and remodelling of existing facilities. These have been delivered using traditional methods of construction and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
Time and again, our expert design capabilities have ensured that the educational environments created by our clients facilitate effective learning spaces for young people, something which is a very proud achievement for us.
Education projects