RAAC Inspections, Assessments and Remedial Design

Taking the risk out of RAAC

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) became popular as a cheap and easy way to produce an alternative to standard concrete in the 1950s.

However, the material is prone to failing, particularly when exposed to moisture, due to its highly aerated nature. With a lifespan of just 30 years, the thousands of RAAC panels still in place in UK buildings pose a major health and safety risk.

Our specialist engineers are experienced in undertaking visual and intrusive RAAC surveys, inspections and assessments to identify the presence or otherwise of this material, determine its condition and help building owners manage the risk of structural failure.

Working with both private clients and the public sector, we are also experts in finding innovative solutions to remove and replace RAAC when the risk of failure is high, bringing major assets in line with modern safety standards.