Key duties of a Principal Designer

19 March 2025

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015 introduced the role of principal designer, and with this new role comes new duties and responsibilities.

Who is the Principal Designer?

The principal designer is the one in charge of the project’s pre-construction stage.

The principal designer must be a designer, appointed by the client and in charge of the project’s pre-construction phase in order to fit this description.

  • a designer as defined under CDM 2015
  • appointed as the principal designer
  • in control of the pre-construction phase

Principal Designer duties include:

  • Organise, coordinate, and oversee the pre-construction stage.
  • Coordinate health and safety-related issues to ensure that the project can be completed without endangering anyone’s health or safety.
  • When making decisions about design, technical aspects, and organisational aspects, take health and safety into account.
  • When calculating how long it will take to finish a task or phase, take health and safety into account.
  • Consider the general principles of prevention and the information contained in any health and safety file or construction phase plan.
  • Determine, eliminate, or manage any known risks to the health or safety of anyone impacted by the construction project.
  • Determine, remove,or manage predictable health or safety hazards during future use, upkeep, or cleaning.
  • Verify that designers fulfil their CDM obligations.
  • Assist the client in providing the pre-construction information and make sure that all parties involved in the pre-construction phase collaborate.
  • Give each designer and contractor who has been hired or is being considered pre-construction information.
  • Communicate with the principal contractor.
  • Exchange information that is pertinent to the construction phase’s. Planning, Management and Oversight
  • Create a health and safety file, then make sure it is properly Reviewed, Updated and Revised in light of any developments.

Alan Wood & Partner’s Principal Designers

At Alan Wood & Partners, our qualified experts serve as Principal Designers, offering a proactive, efficient,
and client-focused approach.

We provide CDM 2015 and BSA 2022 consulting services to support clients, Principal Designers, and other stakeholders in meeting their legal obligations.

To learn more about the benefits of Alan Wood’s principal designers, please visit: