Etex Plasterboard Plant, Bristol
Construction of a new plasterboard line and associated calcination mill, gypsum store, warehousing, external works, and drainage design.
As an indication of scale of this project principal construction quantities used on the project included:
In addition the project was delivered in a BIM environment with all parties working in compatible modelling formats to facilitate the BIM delivery process. Model federation and clash checking was carried out using Solibri the following benefits were realised by the BIM process.
Lessons Learnt included:
In addition to the above our civil engineers were challenged with accommodating the surface water drainage for this previous brownfield site which was also in an ecologically sensitive location next to a site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI) being in close proximity to the River Avon. In summary betterment was provided for this 12.5 hectare brownfield site providing attenuation and restricting discharge from the site to meet the requirements of the Local Planning authority, Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and the Local Planning authority (LPA).
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