Minninglow Lime Kiln Restoration

Alan Wood and Partners

Minninglow Lime Kiln is a Grade II Listed structure within the Peak District National Park, adjacent to the Tissington Trail.  The kiln was subject to a sudden collapse which necessitated the need to rebuild the kiln.

Engineering and Design Factors

The site is remote with difficult access.  The kiln is Grade II listed, so all works to investigate and reinstate required Listed Building Consent.

Consideration had to be given to temporary works and stability of the remaining kiln during the restoration works.  All materials had to be considered in light of the original construction, future design life and necessary consents.

Description of the Works

This development facilitated the restoration of the listed lime kiln structure in the sensitive landscape of the Peak District National Park adjacent to the Tissington Trail, formerly part of the London and Western Railway route between Buxton and Ashbourne and now a traffic free trail for walkers and cyclists.

Project:Minninglow Lime Kiln Restoration

Alan Wood & Partners