Humberside Police began moving into their new 70,000ft² operations branch and support facility at Melton near Hull.
The building houses several specialist Police divisions and has both workshop and office-based operations with bespoke fit out, and as expected an emphasis on high security both internal and external.
The area of the development currently comprises former agricultural land, with a total area of approximately 1.79 hectares. The building is a steelwork portal frame construction supported off ground bearing reinforced concrete pad foundations, with ground bearing floor slabs. The surface water discharges needed careful consideration as the Business Park has adopted a SuDS strategy in respect of all surface water drainage. Alan Wood & Partners were the designer for the over arching principles in this respect and negotiated adoption of the overall scheme by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
The multi-functional building will see an amalgamation of several specialist police operations from across East Yorkshire into one single purpose-built facility. Alan Wood & Partners worked closely with the Principal Contractor, PDR Construction and Humberside Police to ensure the scheme facilitated the incorporation of state of the art vehicle serving facilities, storage and offices, to accommodate all the relocated divisions within the force. The facility was handed over on time and within the development budget.
Project:Police Operations and Support Services Facility
Alan Wood & Partners
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