Redevelopment of Riseholme Hall and Stable Block

Alan Wood and Partners

Riseholme Hall was constructed in the early 18th and was designed by William Railton. The property is grade 2 listed and served as the Home of the Bishops of Lincoln for a number of years.

The building comprises traditional construction with Ashlar stone facework secured to the inner stonework with iron or wrought iron clamps. The roof is a mixture of pitched and flat roofs with slate and lead roof coverings, supported on a timber rafter and purlin roof structure. A feature timber roof light called the East Lantern was in place which allowed natural light into a two-storey atrium and stair area.

Engineering and Design Factors

Alan Wood & Partners were initially commissioned to carry out a structural survey of the Hall and the stable block to report on the condition of the buildings. This led into the securing of funding by the University of Lincoln for the refurbishment of the Hall into new teaching space. Unfortunately, the building had suffered badly from unsympathetic refurbishment programmes in the late 1970’ and 1980’s which had seen original lathe and plaster ceilings replaced by modern plaster board areas in a number of areas at second floor ceiling level. Working closely with the architect CPMG, the Contractor GF Tomlinson and the Listed Building Officer Alan Wood & Partners provided structural design and advice relating to repairs/strengthening to the main roof, replacement of existing ceilings, replacement of existing Lantern lights, Refurbishment of leaded flat roof areas and gutters refurbishment of damaged ceiling cornices and roses all in keeping and sympathetic to the original fabric of the building.

Description of the Works

Grade 2 listed roof refurbishment including strengthening original roof trusses and sympathetic replacement of original roof and ceiling timbers. Replacement and refurbishment of original stair lanterns. AWP also engaged specialist timber repair company Hutton and Rostron with regards to timber decay in the original timbers including a repair detail to the original dragon ties. Alan Wood & Partners were able to use our Conservation accredited engineers (CARE) to facilitate this whole process.

Project:Redevelopment of Riseholme Hall and Stable Block

Alan Wood & Partners