New Luxury Residential Dwelling

Alan Wood and Partners

The building is a replacement dwelling. The existing two storey dwelling was in poor condition and had been unoccupied for some time. A striking new extension was built to the rear with substantial sliding doors.

Description of the Works

There was a substantial difference in height across the site allowing a stepped construction, which has created a 3 storey house facing north and a two storey house facing south to the private garden. The house is in traditional stone under a slate roof and wrapping round the east side a black zinc clad study and living area has been created with substantial clear span glazing.

The stone house has been carefully detailed in a traditional manner with sliding sash timber windows, contrasted against the black zinc wrap round extension including hidden columns within the structure to provide an open corner to allow the garden to become part of the property.

Project:New Luxury Residential Dwelling

Alan Wood & Partners