Residential Regeneration & Housing Scheme

Alan Wood and Partners

Beech Hill is on the western boundary of Halifax town centre. It is a mixed use area with a predominance of social housing in need of upgrading and regeneration to improve the quality of life for its residents.

This project is the first phase of the regeneration plan. Covering an area of 3.07ha the site formerly included 3No. High Rise residential towers and a Council Highways Depot. The vision is to develop the site to provide a high-quality living environment which is sympathetic to its surroundings and landscape.

Engineering and Design Factors

The project is being delivered by reshaping a technically challenging site. The following are areas that have required specialist input from our in-house teams.

  • The complex geotechnical nature of the ground has necessitated additional targeted site investigation and engineered ground improvements.
  • Potential ground contamination from previous site use required detailed investigation and consideration.
  • Significant level changes and retaining structures.
  • Limited viable access points to the site.
  • Significant underground services with wayleaves requiring diversion / protection.

Description of the Works

The proposed development will comprise of a diverse mix of 107No. new homes, new open space areas and better connectivity both within the site and into the surrounding areas. The site topography is challenging and dictated the layout of the houses and the infrastructure serving each plot. Connectivity to the adjacent roads also required careful engineering to align with current standards.

Project:Residential Regeneration & Housing Scheme

Alan Wood & Partners